Roasted pepper, feta and almond salad

Theres something about roasting peppers that I love.  Although it can be a bit time consuming, its strangely satisfying when you come to peal the charred skin.  The end product is a sweet, juicy and soft ruby red pepper.  The roasting intensifies its flavour, perfect for this salad/mezze.

This is really an adaption of a mezze I ate at a Turkish restaurant, and one of Nigella Lawsons recipes.  I love the way the sharpness of the feta contrasts with the sweetness of the peppers, and the almonds provide a lovely third texture to the dish.

7-8 red capsicum peppers (you can use yellow or orange too, but id avoid the green ones).
100g of feta cheese
Handfull of whole almonds (you can use flaked if you like)
juice of 1 lime
few mint leaves
1 clove of garlic, crushed/minced
some olive oil for dressing

Char the peppers and prepare them the same way we did for the muhammara.  Let the charred peppers sit in a covered bowl/sealed bag for for about 15 minutes.  Peal the skins, and cut/tear into wedge shapes and arrange on a plate/platter.

Put a handful of whole almonds into a pan with some water and salt.  Bring to the boil and cook for about 5 minutes.  Turn off the heat and allow to cool.  Once cool, slip the almonds out of their skins and set aside.

Mix the minced garlic with the lime juice and some olive oil.  Add a few finely sliced mint leaves. Crumble the feta over the peppers, tumble over the almonds.  Drizzle the garlic and lime dressing over the peppers and serve.  Delicious!


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