Tuna salad

Tuna salad usually conjures up pureed fish with lashings of mayonnaise.  I for one am not a fan of mayonnaise, well at least the vinegar based ones! This is a salad that I came up with while at university. Its light, quick and easy to make, and tastes great, especially on a sunny day! And no mayonnaise in sight!

1 tin of kidney beans
1 tin tuna
1 onion
2 tomatoes
3-4 inch piece of cucumber
small bunch of corriander
a handful of mint leaves
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon of garam masala
salt to taste.
olive oil to dress.

Thinly slice the onion, mint and coriander and place in a bowl.  Cube the tomatoes and cucumber and add to the bowl.  Add all the remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix. Bon appetit!


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